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Create mock precompiles


Mock precompiles are essential for end-to-end testing of the Basic Agent.

This article explains how to build and test three mock precompiles:

  • Store mock precompiles in the /mocks directory.
  • You can test the precompiles in the /test directory.

1. Create mock precompiles

1.1. Create a Slinky precompile

In a file MockSlinkyPrecompile.sol, implement a mock of the x/oracle precompile. Its goal is to provide oracle price feeds, set prices for testing, and ensure error handling for missing prices.

Full code

You can find the full code on GitHub: /mocks/MockSlinkyPrecompile.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.25 <0.9.0;

import { GetPriceResponse, QuotePrice, ISlinky } from "precompile-slinky/ISlinky.sol";

contract MockSlinkyPrecompile is ISlinky {
mapping(string base => mapping(string quote => uint256 price)) private prices;

function getPrice(
string calldata base,
string calldata quote
) external view returns (GetPriceResponse memory response) {
uint256 price = prices[base][quote];
require(price != 0, "Price not set");

// Price data with additional metadata
QuotePrice memory quotePrice = QuotePrice({
blockHeight: block.number, // The current block for testing
blockTimestamp: block.timestamp,
price: price

return GetPriceResponse({
id: 0,
nonce: 0,
decimals: 9,
price: quotePrice

1.2. Create a Warden precompile

In a file MockWardenPrecompile.sol, implement a mock of the x/warden precompile. Its goal is to manage keys and signature requests .

Full code

You can find the full code on GitHub: /mocks/MockWardenPrecompile.sol

contract MockWardenPrecompile {
mapping(uint64 => KeyResponse) private keys;
mapping(uint64 => bool) private goodKeys;

// A key response simulation
function keyById(
uint64 id,
int32[] calldata
) external view returns (KeyResponse memory key) {
return KeyResponse({
key: PublicKey({
publicKey: abi.encodePacked(
metadata: new bytes(0)

// Realistic signing behavior
function newSignRequest(
uint64 keyId,
bytes calldata txHash,
bytes[] calldata analyzers,
bytes calldata encryptionKey,
Types.Coin[] calldata fees,
uint64 spaceNonce,
uint64 actionTimeoutHeight,
string calldata expectedApproveExpression,
string calldata expectedRejectExpression,
BroadcastType broadcastType
) external view returns (bool) {
// Validate inputs
require(txHash.length == 32, "Invalid transaction hash");
require(bytes(expectedApproveExpression).length > 0, "Empty approve expression");

return goodKeys[keyId];

1.3. Create an Async precompile

In a file MockAsyncPrecompile.sol, implement a mock of the x/async precompile for creating and tracking Futures. Note that this precompile is required only for automated Orders with price prediction.

Full code

You can find the full code on GitHub: /mocks/MockAsyncPrecompile.sol

contract MockAsyncPrecompile is IAsync {
uint64 public futuresCount = 0;
mapping(uint64 id => FutureByIdResponse output) public _futures;
mapping(address orderAddress => address orderCreator) public orders;

function addFuture(
string calldata handler,
bytes calldata input
) external returns (uint64 futureId)
futureId = uint64(++futuresCount);
Future memory future = Future({
id: futureId,
// solhint-disable-next-line
creator: tx.origin,
handler: handler,
input: input

FutureVote[] memory emptyVotes = new FutureVote[](0);
bytes memory emptySubmitter;
FutureResult memory futureResult = FutureResult({
id: futureId,
output: input,
submitter: emptySubmitter
FutureResponse memory futureResponse = FutureResponse({
future: future,
votes: emptyVotes,
result: futureResult
_futures[futureId] = FutureByIdResponse({
futureResponse: futureResponse

function futureById(
uint64 futureId
) external view returns (FutureByIdResponse memory response) {
response = _futures[futureId];

function futures(
Types.PageRequest calldata,
) external pure returns (FuturesResponse memory) {
// solhint-disable-next-line

function pendingFutures(
Types.PageRequest calldata
) external pure returns (PendingFuturesResponse memory) {
// solhint-disable-next-line

2. Test precompiles

2.1. Create a helper contract

Create a helper contract for testing mock precompiles:

contract PrecompileTestHelper {
MockSlinkyPrecompile internal slinky;
MockWardenPrecompile internal warden;

function setUp() public {
// Deploy and configure mocks
slinky = new MockSlinkyPrecompile();
warden = new MockWardenPrecompile();

// Inject mock addresses
vm.etch(ISLINKY_PRECOMPILE_ADDRESS, address(slinky).code);
vm.etch(IWARDEN_PRECOMPILE_ADDRESS, address(warden).code);

// A price scenario helper
function setupPriceScenario(
string memory base,
string memory quote,
uint256 initialPrice,
uint256 targetPrice
) internal {
.setPrice(base, quote, initialPrice);

// Simulate a price change
skip(1 hours);
.setPrice(base, quote, targetPrice);

2.3. Create test scenarios

  1. To create a scenario for testing the price feed, use code below:

    contract SlinkyTest is PrecompileTestHelper {
    function testPriceMovement() public {
    // Set up a price scenario
    setupPriceScenario("ETH", "USD", 3000e9, 3500e9);

    // Test the Order execution
    Types.OrderData memory orderData = createTestOrder(
    3200e9, // The threshold

    BasicOrder order = new BasicOrder(
    new CommonTypes.Coin[](0),


    function testPriceFeedErrors() public {
    vm.expectRevert("Price not set");
    slinky.getPrice("UNKNOWN", "PAIR");
  2. To test transaction signing, use the following:

    contract WardenTest is PrecompileTestHelper {
    function testSigningFlow() public {
    // Set up keys
    warden.addKey(1, true); // A valid key
    warden.addKey(2, false); // An invalid key

    // Test successful signing
    Types.SignRequestData memory goodRequest = createSignRequest(1);

    // Test failed signing
    Types.SignRequestData memory badRequest = createSignRequest(2);

    function testInvalidInputs() public {
    vm.expectRevert("Empty approve expression");
    Types.SignRequestData memory invalidRequest = createSignRequest(1);
    invalidRequest.expectedApproveExpression = "";

3. Use precompiles in scripts

This is how you can use precompiles in scripts:

contract CreateOrder is Script {
function run(
uint256 thresholdPrice,
Types.PriceCondition priceCondition,
Types.PricePair memory pricePair
) public {
// Set up mock precompiles
MockSlinkyPrecompile mSlinky = new MockSlinkyPrecompile();
MockWardenPrecompile mWarden = new MockWardenPrecompile();

// Configure the initial state
vm.etch(ISLINKY_PRECOMPILE_ADDRESS, address(mSlinky).code);
mSlinky.setPrice(pricePair.base, pricePair.quote, thresholdPrice);

vm.etch(IWARDEN_PRECOMPILE_ADDRESS, address(mWarden).code);
mWarden.addKey(1, true);

// Create and verify an Order
BasicOrder order = createOrder(/* params */);
require(order.canExecute(), "Order cannot execute");

Next steps

After creating mock precompiles, you can implement the execution interface.